Product Recommendations (iOS SDK)

Product Recommendations (iOS SDK)

Method Objective

The method returns an API response when requesting product recommendations.

Syntax and parameters

sdk.recommend(params) { callback }
paramsenumrequiredRequest parameters.
callbackfunctionrequiredA callback function, to which the API response will be passed.

Request parameters

blockIdstringrequiredUnique code of the recommendation block. See this value in the "data-recommender-code" attribute of the block created in PersonaClick account.
currentProductIdstringrequired in some casesProduct ID. This parameter is mandatory for the requests of blocks with algorithms that depend on the current product. Algorithms: "Similar", "Products usually purchased with this product", "Store recommendations", etc.
currentCategoryIdstringrequired in some casesThe parameter allows filtering products by a specified category, for example for the "Popular" algorithm in a category.

API response properties

htmlstringHTML-code of the block with products. The template is customized in the PersonaClick account.
titlestringThe block title. Corresponds to the value of the "Action" element in the block rules.
recommendsObject Array

An array of objects with product information. Each object has the following properties:

  • barcode – product barcode, if it was imported in the product catalog (type: string)
  • brand – product vendor (type: string)
  • currency – product currency (type: string, matches the currency of the PersonaClick account, or the user value set in the settings of the PersonaClick account)
  • discount – the percentage difference between the old price and the current price (type: integer)
  • id – product ID (type: string)
  • imageUrl – URL of the original product image (type: string)
  • model –  model and product name (type: string)
  • name – product name (type: string)
  • oldPrice – integer old price of the product (type: double)
  • oldPriceFormatted – formatted integer old price of the product, including currency (type: string)
  • oldPriceFull – old price of the product (type: double)
  • oldPriceFullFormatted – formatted old price of the product, including currency (type: string)
  • paramsRaw – JSON of object array with pairs of "key" (type: string), "values" (type: array) properties. The data matches the values of the "param" parameter of the product feed/catalog (XML, HTTP API).
  • resizedImageUrl – link to the product image in the PersonaClick image repository (type: string)
  • price – integer current price of the product (type: double)
  • priceFormatted – formatted integer current price of the product, including currency (type: string)
  • priceFull – current price of the product (type: double)
  • priceFullFormatted – formatted current price of the product, including currency (type: string)
  • relativeSalesRate – level of sales of current product ( in percentage) in relation to the maximum level of sales of products in the store (type: float)
  • salesRate – level of product sales (absolute value) (type: integer)
  • url – product page URL (type: string)
idnumberUnique block identifier. Corresponds to the block ID in the list of blocks in the PersonaClick account.

Examples of use

For blocks with algorithms without any additional parameters:

sdk.recommend(blockId: "1fd1b3495137bc3c9299816026acf36f") { recommendResult in
  // the functionality of rendering a block of product recommendations

For blocks with algorithms that require the "Product ID":

sdk.recommend(blockId: "1fd1b3495137bc3c9299816026acf36f", currentProductId: "100500") { recommendResult in
  // the functionality of rendering a block of product recommendations

Filtering by category:

sdk.recommend(blockId: "1fd1b3495137bc3c9299816026acf36f", currentCategoryId: "146") { recommendResult in
  // the functionality of rendering a block of product recommendations

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