Manage Triggers (iOS SDK)

Manage Triggers (iOS SDK)

Subscribe to the "Back in Stock" trigger

Method Objective

The method subscribes the user to the notifications that the product is available.

A device token must first be sent to subscribe to App Push notifications. See Notifications (iOS SDK).

Syntax and parameters


Request parameters

idstringrequiredThe product ID to notify of the product availability the user will be subscribed.
emailstringoptionallyThe current user's Email.
phonestringoptionallyThe current user's Phone.
fashionSizestringoptionallyThe clothing size. The value of the parameter in the internal format of the store.
fashionColorstringoptionallyThe clothing color. The value of the parameter in the internal format of the store.
barcodestringoptionallyProduct barcode.

Examples of use

sdk.subscribeForBackInStock(id: "100500");

sdk.subscribeForBackInStock(id: "100500", email: "john.doe@examplestore.com", fashionSize: "XL", fashionColor: "yellow", barcode: "123ABC");

sdk.subscribeForBackInStock(id: "100500", phone: "4400114527199");

Unsubscribe from the "Back in Stock" trigger

Method Objective

The method unsubscribes the user from the notification that the product is available.

Syntax and parameters


Request parameters

itemIdsarrayrequiredThe product ID to notify of the product availability the user will be subscribed.
emailstringoptionallyThe current user's Email.
phonestringoptionallyThe current user's Phone.

Examples of use

sdk.unsubscribeForBackInStock(itemIds: ["146", "100500"]);
sdk.unsubscribeForBackInStock(itemIds: ["146", "100500"], email: "john.doe@examplestore.com");
sdk.unsubscribeForBackInStock(itemIds: ["146", "100500"], phone: "4400114527199");

Subscribe to the "Price Drop" trigger

Method Objective

The method subscribes the user to the notifications of a product price decrease.

A device token must first be sent to subscribe to App Push notifications. See Notifications (iOS SDK).

Syntax and parameters


Request parameters

idstringrequiredThe product ID to notify of the product price drop the user will be subscribed.
currentPricenumberrequiredThe current product price.
emailstringoptionallyThe current user's Email.
phonestringoptionallyThe current user's Phone.
fashionSizestringoptionallyThe clothing size. The value of the parameter in the internal format of the store.
fashionColorstringoptionallyThe clothing color. The value of the parameter in the internal format of the store.
barcodestringoptionallyProduct barcode.

Examples of use

sdk.subscribeForPriceDrop(id: "100500", currentPrice: 146.99);

sdk.subscribeForPriceDrop(id: "100500", currentPrice: 146.99, email: "john.doe@examplestore.com", fashionSize: "XL", fashionColor: "yellow", barcode: "123ABC");

sdk.subscribeForPriceDrop(id: "100500", currentPrice: 146.99, phone: "4400114527199");

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