Net Promoter Score (REST API)

Net Promoter Score (REST API)

Getting the category list

Method Objective

The method allows getting information for all active NPS categories.


EndpointRequest Type


Any of the parameters below can be used to obtain profile properties:

shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings

API Response Code

HTTP status code

200 OK

The request was successful.

403 ForbiddenFailed authorization.
404 Not FoundShop Not Found.

API Response

The API returns an array of category objects. Below are the properties of a single object.

idnumberNPS Category ID. 
codestringThe unique code of the NPS category.

The name of the NPS category.

promoter_questionstringThe question is for the "Promoter" user type.
promoter_successstringThanks-message for the "Promoter" user type.
passive_questionstringThe question is for the "Passive" user type.
passive_successstringThanks-message for the "Passive" user type.
detractor_questionstringThe question is for the "Detractor" user type.
detractor_successstringThanks-message for the "Detractor" user type.

Example of use

curl 'https://api.personaclick.com/nps/categories?shop_id=0d42fd8b713d0752776ca589cc0056'

Getting the channel list

Method Objective

The method allows getting information for all active NPS channels.


EndpointRequest Type


Any of the parameters below can be used to obtain profile properties:

shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings

API Response Code

HTTP status code

200 OK

The request was successful.

403 ForbiddenFailed authorization.
404 Not FoundShop Not Found.

API Response

The API returns an array of channel objects. Below are the properties of a single object.

idnumberNPS Channel ID. 
codestringThe unique code of the NPS channel.

The name of the NPS channel.

Example of use

curl 'https://api.personaclick.com/nps/channels?shop_id=0d42fd8b713d0752776ca589cc0056'

Saving the NPS review

Method Objective

The method allows saving the results of the NPS survey.


EndpointRequest TypeContent-Type





shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
shop_secretstringrequired if "did" property doesn't useStore Secret Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
didstringrequired if "shop_secret" property doesn't useUnique Device ID. See "Initialization (REST API)" for information about getting and using Device ID.
seancestringrequiredUnique ID of the current user session. See "Initialization (REST API)" for information about getting and using User Session ID.
emailstringrequired if "did" property doesn't useUser's email
phonestringrequired if "did" property doesn't useUser's phone
loyalty_idstringoptionallyUser's Loyalty ID
order_idstringoptionallyOrder ID, related to the current survey



The NPS channel code.

categorystringrequiredThe NPS category code.

The rating got from the user.

The value must be an integer between 1 and 10.

commentstringoptionallyUser comment.

API Response Code

HTTP status code

200 OK

The request was successful.

400 Bad RequestSee the "message" property of the API response for details.
403 ForbiddenSee the "message" property of the API response for details.
404 Not FoundRequired query parameters are missed or undefined.

API Response Data

The response is JSON type with the following properties:


Current status. Can have one of two values:

  • success - the request was successful
  • error - the request was unsuccessful

The text of the error if it occurred

Examples of use

By using shop secret and user's email.

curl 'https://api.personaclick.com/nps/create' \
  -X 'POST' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"shop_id":"0d42fd8b713d0752776ca589cc0056","shop_secret":"0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef","category":"category_id","channel":"channel_id","rate":8,"comment":"ok thanks","email":"john.doe@examplemail.com"}'

By using DID.

curl 'https://api.personaclick.com/nps/create' \
  -X 'POST' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"shop_id":"0d42fd8b713d0752776ca589cc0056","did":"7rjVGhMykT","category":"category_id","channel":"channel_id","rate":8,"comment":"ok thanks"}'

Reading the NPS review

Method Objective

The method allows getting information for all active NPS categories.


EndpointRequest TypeLimit
https://api.personaclick.com/nps/reviewsGET1000 reviews per request


Any of the parameters below can be used to obtain profile properties:

shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
shop_secretstringrequiredStore Secret Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
date_fromstringoptionallyFilter by date: start date.
date_tostringoptionallyFilter by date: end date.
channelstringoptionallyChannel code.
categorystringoptionallyCategory code.

API Response Code

HTTP status code

200 OK

The request was successful.

403 ForbiddenFailed authorization.
404 Not FoundShop Not Found.

API Response

The API returns an array of review objects. Below are the properties of a single object.

idnumberReview ID. 
clientnumberThe internal ID of the PersonaClick user.

The rating got from the user.

channelstringThe NPS channel code.
categorystringThe NPS category code.
commentstringUser comment.

Example of use

curl 'https://api.personaclick.com/nps/reviews?shop_id=0d42fd8b713d0752776ca589cc0056&shop_secret=0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef'

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