Net Promoter Score (JS SDK)
Net Promoter Score (JS SDK)
- Andrey Veprikov
Owned by Andrey Veprikov
Getting the category list
Method Objective
The method allows getting information for all active NPS categories.
Syntax and parameters
personaclick("nps", "categories", success, error);
Name | Type | Requirement | Description |
success | Function | required | The callback function that takes the API response. The API response type is an Object array. |
error | Function | optionally | The callback function in case of an error - any non 200 HTTP response. |
API response
Name | Type | Description |
id | number | NPS Category ID. |
code | string | The unique code of the NPS category. |
name | string | The name of the NPS category. |
promoter_question | string | The question is for the "Promoter" user type. |
promoter_success | string | Thanks-message for the "Promoter" user type. |
passive_question | string | The question is for the "Passive" user type. |
passive_success | string | Thanks-message for the "Passive" user type. |
detractor_question | string | The question is for the "Detractor" user type. |
detractor_success | string | Thanks-message for the "Detractor" user type. |
Example of use
personaclick("nps", "categories", function(categories) { // NPS widget rendering }, function(error) { // when something went wrong });
Getting the channel list
Method Objective
The method allows getting information for all active NPS channels.
Syntax and parameters
personaclick("nps", "channels", success, error);
Name | Type | Requirement | Description |
success | Function | required | The callback function that takes the API response. The API response type is an Object array. |
error | Function | optionally | The callback function in case of an error - any non 200 HTTP response. |
API response
Name | Type | Description |
id | number | NPS Channel ID. |
code | string | The unique code of the NPS channel. |
name | string | The name of the NPS channel. |
Example of use
personaclick("nps", "channels", function(channels) { // using available NPS channels }, function(error) { // when something went wrong });
Saving the NPS review
Method Objective
The method allows saving the results of the NPS survey.
Syntax and parameters
personaclick("nps", "review", params, success, error);
Name | Type | Requirement | Description |
params | Object | required | Object with request parameters. |
success | Function | required | The callback function will be executed if the request is successful. |
error | Function | optionally | The callback function in case of an error - any non 200 HTTP response. |
Request parameters
Name | Type | Requirement | Description |
channel | string | required | The NPS channel code. |
category | string | required | The NPS category code. |
rate | number | required | The rating got from the user. The value must be an integer between 1 and 10. |
comment | string | optionally | User comment. |
Example of use
personaclick("nps", "review", { channel: "website", category: "delivery", rate: 9, comment: "It's not bad, but it could be better." }, function() { // when the survey is successfully saved }, function(error) { // when something went wrong });
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