Net Promoter Score (JS SDK)

Net Promoter Score (JS SDK)

Getting the category list

Method Objective

The method allows getting information for all active NPS categories.

Syntax and parameters

personaclick("nps", "categories", success, error);

successFunctionrequiredThe callback function that takes the API response. The API response type is an Object array.
errorFunctionoptionallyThe callback function in case of an error - any non 200 HTTP response.

API response

idnumberNPS Category ID. 
codestringThe unique code of the NPS category.

The name of the NPS category.

promoter_questionstringThe question is for the "Promoter" user type.
promoter_successstringThanks-message for the "Promoter" user type.
passive_questionstringThe question is for the "Passive" user type.
passive_successstringThanks-message for the "Passive" user type.
detractor_questionstringThe question is for the "Detractor" user type.
detractor_successstringThanks-message for the "Detractor" user type.

Example of use

personaclick("nps", "categories", function(categories) {
    // NPS widget rendering
}, function(error) {
    // when something went wrong

Getting the channel list

Method Objective

The method allows getting information for all active NPS channels.

Syntax and parameters

personaclick("nps", "channels", success, error);
successFunctionrequiredThe callback function that takes the API response. The API response type is an Object array.
errorFunctionoptionallyThe callback function in case of an error - any non 200 HTTP response.

API response

idnumberNPS Channel ID. 
codestringThe unique code of the NPS channel.

The name of the NPS channel.

Example of use

personaclick("nps", "channels", function(channels) {
    // using available NPS channels
}, function(error) {
    // when something went wrong

Saving the NPS review

Method Objective

The method allows saving the results of the NPS survey.

Syntax and parameters

personaclick("nps", "review", params, success, error);

paramsObjectrequiredObject with request parameters.
successFunctionrequiredThe callback function will be executed if the request is successful.
errorFunctionoptionallyThe callback function in case of an error - any non 200 HTTP response.

Request parameters






The NPS channel code.

categorystringrequiredThe NPS category code.

The rating got from the user.

The value must be an integer between 1 and 10.

commentstringoptionallyUser comment.

Example of use

personaclick("nps", "review", {
    channel: "website",
    category: "delivery",
    rate: 9,
    comment: "It's not bad, but it could be better."
}, function() {
    // when the survey is successfully saved
}, function(error) {
    // when something went wrong

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