Manage Triggers (REST API)

Manage Triggers (REST API)

Subscribe to the "Back in Stock" trigger

Method Objective

The method subscribes the user to the notifications that the product is available.


EndpointRequest TypeContent-Type


shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings

Unique Device ID. See "Initialization (REST API)" for information about getting and using Device ID.

To get the "did" value inside Mobile SDK, use the following methods:

item_idstring/numberrequiredProduct ID
emailstringoptionallyUser Email. If the email isn't in a profile matching the device ID (the "did" property of the request), it will be added there.
phonestringoptionallyUser Phone. If the phone isn't in a profile matching the device ID (the "did" property of the request), it will be added there.

It allows specifying the size as an additional property of the product in the subscription. See the example below.

API Response Code

HTTP status code

200 OK

The request was successful.

400 Bad RequestSee the "message" property of the API response for details.
403 ForbiddenSee the "message" property of the API response for details.

Example of use

curl 'https://api.personaclick.com/subscriptions/subscribe_for_product_available' \
  -X 'POST' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"shop_id":"0d42fd8b713d0752776ca589cc0056","did":"vxlwRZ7Cnk","item_id":"100500","email":"john.doe@examplemail.com", "phone":"4400114527199","properties[fashion_size]":"XL"}'

Unsubscribe from the "Back in Stock" trigger

Method Objective

The method unsubscribes the user from the notification that the product is available.


EndpointRequest TypeContent-Type


shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings

Unique Device ID. See "Initialization (REST API)" for information about getting and using Device ID.

To get the "did" value inside Mobile SDK, use the following methods:

item_idsstringrequiredProduct IDs, separated by commas. Can have an empty value to remove subscriptions for all products.
emailstringrequiredUser Email

API Response Code

HTTP status code

200 OK

The request was successful.

400 Bad RequestSee the "message" property of the API response for details.
403 ForbiddenSee the "message" property of the API response for details.

Examples of use

# unsubscribe from notifications for selected products
curl 'https://api.personaclick.com/subscriptions/unsubscribe_from_product_available' \
  -X 'POST' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"item_ids":"PRODUCT_ID1,PRODUCT_ID2","email":"john.doe@examplemail.com","shop_id":"0d42fd8b713d0752776ca589cc0056&did=vxlwRZ7Cnk"}'

# cancel notifications for all products
curl 'https://api.personaclick.com/subscriptions/unsubscribe_from_product_available' \
  -X 'POST' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"item_ids":"","email":"john.doe@examplemail.com","shop_id":"0d42fd8b713d0752776ca589cc0056&did=vxlwRZ7Cnk"}'

Checking the "Back in Stock" trigger subscription

Method Objective

The method allows checking the subscription status of the "Back in Stock" trigger.


EndpointRequest Type


Only parameters related to the profile update request are listed here. See "Basic Details" above for more information on required parameters and the API endpoint.

shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
shop_secretstringrequiredStore Secret Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
item_idstring/numberrequiredProduct ID
emailstringOne of the available ones is requiredEmail for subscription checking
phonestringPhone for subscription checking
loyalty_idstringLoyalty ID for subscription checking

API response properties

statusbooleanShows whether or not there is a trigger subscription for the product

Example of use

curl 'https://api.personaclick.com/products/check_product_available_subscription?email=john.doe%40examplemail.com&shop_id=0d42fd8b713d0752776ca589cc0056&shop_secret=0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef&item_id=100500'

Subscribe to the "Price Drop" trigger

Method Objective

The method subscribes the user to the notifications of a product price decrease.


EndpointRequest TypeContent-Type


shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings

Unique Device ID. See "Initialization (REST API)" for information about getting and using Device ID.

To get the "did" value inside Mobile SDK, use the following methods:

item_idstring/numberrequiredProduct ID
pricenumberrequiredCurrent Price of Product
emailstringoptionallyUser Email. If the email isn't in a profile matching the device ID (the "did" property of the request), it will be added there.
phonestringoptionallyUser Email. If the email isn't in a profile matching the device ID (the "did" property of the request), it will be added there.

API Response Code

HTTP status code

200 OK

The request was successful.

400 Bad RequestSee the "message" property of the API response for details.
403 ForbiddenSee the "message" property of the API response for details.

Example of use

curl 'https://api.personaclick.com/subscriptions/subscribe_for_product_price' \
  -X 'POST' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"shop_id":"0d42fd8b713d0752776ca589cc0056","did":"vxlwRZ7Cnk","item_id":"100500","email":"john.doe@examplemail.com","phone":"4400114527199","price":146}'

Unsubscribe from the "Price Drop" trigger

Method Objective

The method unsubscribes the user from an email notification of a product price decrease.


EndpointRequest TypeContent-Type


shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings

Unique Device ID. See "Initialization (REST API)" for information about getting and using Device ID.

To get the "did" value inside Mobile SDK, use the following methods:

item_idsstringrequiredProduct IDs, separated by commas. Can have an empty value to remove subscriptions for all products.
emailstringrequiredUser Email

API Response Code

HTTP status code

200 OK

The request was successful.

400 Bad RequestSee the "message" property of the API response for details.
403 ForbiddenSee the "message" property of the API response for details.

Examples of use

# unsubscribe from notifications for selected products
curl 'https://api.personaclick.com/subscriptions/unsubscribe_from_product_price' \
  -X 'POST' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"item_ids":"PRODUCT_ID1,PRODUCT_ID2","email":"john.doe@examplemail.com","shop_id":"0d42fd8b713d0752776ca589cc0056&did=vxlwRZ7Cnk"}'

# cancel notifications for all products
curl 'https://api.personaclick.com/subscriptions/unsubscribe_from_product_price' \
  -X 'POST' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"item_ids":"","email":"john.doe@examplemail.com","shop_id":"0d42fd8b713d0752776ca589cc0056&did=vxlwRZ7Cnk"}'

Checking the "Price Drop" trigger subscription

Method Objective

The method allows checking the subscription status of the "Price Drop" trigger.


EndpointRequest Type


Only parameters related to the profile update request are listed here. See "Basic Details" above for more information on required parameters and the API endpoint.

shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
shop_secretstringrequiredStore Secret Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
item_idstring/numberrequiredProduct ID
emailstringOne of the available ones is requiredEmail for subscription checking
phonestringPhone for subscription checking
loyalty_idstringLoyalty ID for subscription checking

API response properties

statusbooleanShows whether or not there is a trigger subscription for the product

Example of use

curl 'https://api.personaclick.com/products/check_price_drop_subscription?email=john.doe%40examplemail.com&shop_id=0d42fd8b713d0752776ca589cc0056&shop_secret=0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef&item_id=100500'

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