User Profile (RN SDK)

User Profile (RN SDK)

Update User Profile

Method Objective

The method updates the user's profile or creates a new profile bound to the user's current device if it was not created earlier.

If you don't have user data, never send bogus data. It'll cause problems in profile handling in the future. For example, don't send a non-existent email, like anonymous@example.com, or an automatically generated email address that doesn't have anything to do with the user's actual email.

Syntax and parameters


paramsObjectrequiredObject with request parameters.

Main request parameters






User Email.

first_namestringUser First Name.
genderstringUser Gender (m – male, f – female).
idnumber/stringStore side user ID.
last_namestringUser Surname.
phonestringUser Phone.

Additional request parameters





User age (in years).

autoObject arrayList of vehicles. See description below.

User birthday in the format YYYYY-MM-DD.

bought_somethingbooleanThe user has or hasn't ever bought something in the store.
fb_idstringFacebook User ID.
kidsObject arrayUser's children. See description below.

The user's current location from the list of locations in the product feed.

loyalty_bonusesnumberThe current number of store bonuses at the user.
loyalty_bonuses_to_next_levelnumberThe number of store bonuses necessary for the user to reach the next loyalty level.
loyalty_card_locationstringThe location (from the list of locations in the product feed) where the user last used the loyalty card.
loyalty_idstringThe Loyalty Program user ID (loyalty card).
loyalty_statusstringThe user's current status in the loyalty program.
telegram_idstringTelegram User ID.
vk_idstringVKontakte User ID.

The "auto" object properties





Vehicle Brand.

modelstringVehicle Model.

Vehicle's VDS/VIN.

The "kids" object properties




genderstringChild's age (m – male, f – female).
birthdaystringChild's birthday in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Custom Properties

A custom property can have any name except the reserved onesstring

The custom property must be created before it can be used. Located there: Account > Settings > Profile Property

If property creation isn't available in the account, contact PersonaClick support.

array of string
date (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)

Example of use

    id: 100500,
    email: "john.doe@examplemail.com", 
    phone: "4400114527199",
    first_name: "John", 
    last_name: "Doe",
    birthday: "1990-03-11", 
    age: 31,
    gender: "m", 
    location: "NY",
    bought_something: true,
    loyalty_id: "000001234567",
    loyalty_card_location: "NY",
    loyalty_status: "5% discount", 
    loyalty_bonuses: 1123,
    loyalty_bonuses_to_next_level: 1877,
    fb_id: "000000000354677",
    vk_id: "vk031845",
    telegram_id: "0125762968357835",
    kids: [
        {gender: "m", birthday: "2001-04-12"},
        {gender: "f", birthday: "2015-07-28"}
    auto: [
        {brand: "Nissan", model: "Qashqai", vds: "TM7N243E4G0BJG978"}
    custom_string_property: "the string value of the custom property",
    custom_integer_property: 100500,
    custom_float_property: 7.62,
    custom_array_of_string_property: ["value1", "value2", "value3"],
    custom_json_property: {key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3},
    custom_date_property: "2021-12-31 23:55:00"

Read User Profile

Method Objective

The method returns accumulated (depersonalized) profile data of the current user.

Most of the data is computational based on the user's interaction with the products.

Syntax and parameters


callbackFunctionrequiredThe callback function that takes the API response. The API response type is an object.

API response





The gender of the current user.

If not forced by the "Update User Profile" method, it has the same value as the "computed_gender" property (see below).

computed_genderstringThe calculated value of gender is based on the user's interaction with the products.
childrenObject array

Data about the children of the current user. Each element of the array can contain the following properties:

  • gender (string) - the child's gender
  • birthday (string, YYYY-MM-DD format) - the child's birthday
  • age (number) - the сhild's age

The hair properties of the current user:

  • type (string) - Hair Type. See available values for hair types in the Cosmetics & Perfumes section.
  • condition (string) - Hair Condition. See available values for hair conditions in the Cosmetics & Perfumes section.

The skin properties of the current user:

  • body (object) - Body Skin Properties
  • hand (object) - Hands Skin Properties 
  • leg (object) - Legs Skin Properties 

Each of the properties above has the following properties and values:

  • type (string) - Skin Type. See available values for skin types in the Cosmetics & Perfumes section.
  • condition (string) - Skin Condition. See available values for skin conditions in the Cosmetics & Perfumes section.

Perfume preferences of the current user. The following properties and values are available:

allergybooleanWhether the current user is allergic.

Lists clothing types with preferred sizes for each. See available type values in the Apparel & Accessories section. 

The value of each property is an array with the user's preferred clothing sizes.


The preferred brand and model of the vehicle. The following properties are available:

  • brand (string)
  • model (string)
vdsstringThe fourth to ninth position in the VIN is the Vehicle Descriptor Section or VDS.

The user's pet. The following properties are available:

  • type (string) - Type of Pet. See available type values in the Pet Products section.
  • breed (string) - Breed of Pet. 
  • size (string) - Size of Pet. See available size values in the Pet Products section.
  • age (string) - Age of Pet. See available age values in the Pet Products section.

The jewelry preferences of the current user. The following properties are available:

  • metal (String array) - Preferred Metal. See available metal values in the Jewelry section.
  • color (String array) - Preferred Color. See available color values in the Jewelry section.
  • gem (String array) - Preferred Gem. See available gem values in the Jewelry section.
  • gender (String array) - Gender. Available values: "m" or "f".
  • ring_size (Number array) - Preferred ring sizes of the current user.
  • bracelet_size (Number array) - Preferred bracelet sizes of the current user.
  • chain_size (Number array) - Preferred chain sizes of the current user.

Real estate of the current user. The following properties are available:

  • type (string) - Type of Real Estate. See available type values in the Real Estate section.
  • space (number) - The area of the real estate object. 
income_levelstringThe income level of the current user. Available values: cheap, medium, premium.
has_emailbooleanDoes the user's profile contain an email?
custom_propertiesObjectThe object contains the values of the custom properties that were marked as available for the public part (frontend). The custom properties are located there: Account > Settings > Profile property

Example of use

pcsdk.getProfile().then(function(profile) {

Set Push Notification Token

Method Objective

The method allows sending to the system the actual token for push notifications. The SDK automatically get a token and sends it to the system. If you need to send the token to the system yourself, use this method.

Syntax and parameters


tokenstringrequiredThe current token to be saved

Example of use


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