Initialization (JS SDK)

Initialization (JS SDK)

Main script

Place this script once on all public pages of the site inside the <head> element.

Don't forget to replace the %YOUR_STORE_KEY% text with the current store key from your PersonaClick account.

The initialization should be done only once per page. Repeated initializations on the same page will fail and stop the JS SDK work.

    var c="//cdn.personaclick.com",v="/v3.js",s={link:[{href:c,rel:"dns-prefetch"},{href:c,rel:"preconnect"},{href:c+v,rel:"preload",as:"script"}],script:[{src:c+v,async:""}]};
    Object.keys(s).forEach(function(c){s[c].forEach(function(d){var e=document.createElement(c),a;for(a in d)e.setAttribute(a,d[a]);document.head.appendChild(e)})});
personaclick("init", "%YOUR_STORE_KEY%");

Additional Features

The initialization method has additional features - callback functions for success and error states.

personaclick("init", store_key, stream, success, error, cookieless);

Initialization parameters





store_keystringrequiredThe current store key from the PersonaClick account.
streamstringoptionallyData stream code. Alphanumeric string (letters, numbers only). Max length: 16. The empty default value will mean "web". Can be "ios", "android" or any other string. Used to distinguish between mobile apps, websites, and other events sources.
successfunctionoptionallyThe function will be executed after successful initialization.
errorfunctionoptionallyThe function will be executed after unsuccessful initialization (any Personaclick API response other than 200).

Allows the SDK to use the browser's local storage instead of cookies. Default: false.

If Local Storage is used, the session duration is 24 hours and is not affected by closing a browser, as is the case with session cookies.

Example of use

personaclick("init", "c6d2fe5fdca0c8e51d10b07523bc07", "web", function() {
    // Do something in case of successful initialization
    console.log("The PersonaClick initialization was successful");
}, function() {
    // Do something in case of unsuccessful initialization
    console.log("The PersonaClick initialization was unsuccessful");
}, true);

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