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Reasons to use HTTP API import

  1. Too many products in the database (over 200,000).
  2. New arrivals often come in small quantities, making it unreasonable to create a new XML with hundreds of thousands of products for the sake of a few new ones.
  3. Product changes must be applied more quickly than the time it takes to generate the XML and have it processed by the system.

Import Categories

This part describes how to import product categories into PersonaClick using HTTP API import.


EndpointRequest TypeContent TypeRate LimitMax Data Size requests/minute32 MB/request

API Response 

HTTP status code

204 No content

Authentication was successful. The data was accepted and queued for processing in the background.

If the data processing fails, the account owner and employees authorized to receive technical notifications will be sent an email describing the error.

400 Bad requestAuthorization failed.

Request Data Syntax

shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
shop_secretstringrequiredThe store's Secret Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
categoriesarrayrequiredArray with category property objects. See description below.

    shop_id: "...",
    shop_secret: "...",
    categories: [category, category, ...]

Category Object

idstringrequiredCategory ID
namestringrequiredCategory Name
parentstringrequired for subcategoriesParent category ID. This property must have NULL value for categories that have no parent category.
urlstringoptionallyCategory URL
aliasstringoptionallyCategory Page URL

Example of Categories Request

    "shop_id":     "eehj3eu84299kg5ghw5a6743r8",	
    "shop_secret": "pmd5362597thrgq8k256ep01t0",	
    "categories": [
            "id":      1,
            "name":    "Main category",
            "parent":  null,
            "url":     "",
            "alias":   "main"
            "id":      2,
            "name":    "Apparel",
            "parent":  1,
            "url":     "",
            "alias":   "apparel"
            "id":      3,
            "name":    "Hoverboards",
            "parent":  1,
            "url":     "",
            "alias":   "hoverboards"
            "id":      14,
            "name":    "Child Hoverboards",
            "parent":  3,
            "url":     "",
            "alias":   "hoverboards/child"

Import Locations

This part describes how to import store locations into PersonaClick using HTTP API import.


EndpointRequest TypeContent TypeRate LimitMax Data Size requests/minute32 MB/request

API Response 

HTTP status code

204 No content

Authentication was successful. The data was accepted and queued for processing in the background.

If the data processing fails, the account owner and employees authorized to receive technical notifications will be sent an email describing the error.

400 Bad requestAuthorization failed.

Request Data Syntax

shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
shop_secretstringrequiredThe store's Secret Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
locationsarrayrequiredArray with location objects. See description below.

    shop_id: "...",
    shop_secret: "...",
    locations: [location, location, ...]

Location Object

idstringrequiredLocation ID
namestringrequiredLocation Name
parentstringrequired for sublocationsParent location ID. This property must have NULL value for categories that have no parent category.

Example of Categories Request

    shop_id:      "eehj3eu84299kg5ghw5a6743r8",  
    shop_secret:  "pmd5362597thrgq8k256ep01t0",
    locations:    [
            id:           1,
            name:         "New York",
            parent:       null
            id:           2,
            name:         "Los Angeles",
            parent:       null
            id:           3,
            name:         "Brighton Beach",
            parent:       1
            id:           4,
            name:         "Beverly Hills",
            parent:       2

Requests for Import and Update

This part describes how to import products into PersonaClick using HTTP API import.


EndpointRequest TypesContent TypeRate LimitMax Data Size, PUTapplication/json40 requests/minute32 MB/request

OperationRequest TypeDescription
OverwritePOSTRewrite the database removing all previously imported records and adding new items
AddPUTUpdate the database adding new items (no rewriting)

In the situation lacking a technical feasibility to send PUT request, use POST requests and add to the JSON-body a variable method with the corresponding value in the upper case: PUT.

API Response 

HTTP status code

204 No content

Authentication was successful. The data was accepted and queued for processing in the background.

If the data processing fails, the account owner and employees authorized to receive technical notifications will be sent an email describing the error.

400 Bad requestAuthorization failed.

Request Data Syntax

shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
shop_secretstringrequiredThe store's Secret Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
itemsarrayrequiredArray with product property objects. See description below.

Product Object

idstringrequiredProduct ID. Max 64 symbols.
availablebooleanrequiredProduct Availability
namestringrequiredProduct Name. Max 255 symbols.
pricenumberrequiredProduct Price
urlstringrequiredProduct Page URL
picturestringrequiredProduct Picture URL
categoriesarrayrequiredProduct Categories. See description below.
currencystringrequiredCurrency code: USD, EUR, TRY, etc.
oldpricenumberoptionallyProduct Old Price
locationsarrayoptionallyProduct Locations. See description below.
brandstringoptionallyProduct Brand
barcodestringoptionallyProduct Barcode
price_marginnumberoptionallyProduct Margin
tagsarrayoptionallyProduct-Related Tags
is_childbooleanoptionallyThe product is for children or not
is_fashionbooleanoptionallyThe product is clothing or not
fashionobjectoptionallyAdditional properties for a product from the clothing and accessories niche. See description below.
cosmeticobjectoptionallyAdditional properties for a product from the cosmetic niche. See description below.
childobjectoptionallyAdditional properties for a product from the cosmetic niche. See description below.
bookobjectoptionallyAdditional properties for a product from the niche of children's products. See description below.
paramsarrayoptionallyAdditional custom properties. See description below.
is_newbooleanoptionallyThe product is from a new arrival.
customer_recommendationsarrayoptionallyAllows setting manually recommended products for a specific product. Need to set in the array the product IDs.

Fashion Object

genderstringoptionallyProduct relating to a specific gender. See the available values in the "Apparel & Accessories" section of the XML product feed.
typestringoptionallyProduct relating to a specific type. See the available values in the "Apparel & Accessories" section of the XML product feed.
sizesarrayrequired if the "type" property is setAn array of available sizes. See the size value format in the "Apparel & Accessories" section of the XML product feed.
colorsarrayoptionallyObject array with available product colors and product image URLs to the corresponding color. See example below.

    gender: "m",
	sizes:  ["XS", "S", "L"], // "M" and "XL" sizes aren't available
    type:   "shoe",
	colors: [
            color: "blue",
            picture: ""
            color: "yellow",
            picture: ""

Cosmetic Object

genderstringoptionallyProduct relating to a specific gender. See the available values in the "Cosmetics & Perfumes" section of the XML product feed.
hypoallergenicbooleanoptionallyThe product is hypoallergenic or not. Default value: false.
skinobjectoptionallyAllows marking a product that relates to a specific skin type. Values for available properties: type, condition, part are available in the "Cosmetics & Perfumes" section of the XML product feed.
hairobjectoptionallyAllows marking a product that relates to a specific hair type. Values for available properties: type, condition are available in the "Cosmetics & Perfumes" section of the XML product feed.
nailobjectoptionallyAllows marking a product that relates to a specific nail type. Values for available properties: type, polish_color are available in the "Cosmetics & Perfumes" section of the XML product feed.
perfumeobjectoptionallyAllows filling the product with the properties of the perfume niche. Values for available properties: family, aroma are available in the "Cosmetics & Perfumes" section of the XML product feed.
periodicbooleanoptionallyThe product is professional or not. Default value: false.
professionalbooleanoptionallyThe product is professional or not. Default value: false.

Child Object

genderstringoptionallyProduct relating to a specific gender. See the available values in the "Baby & Children" section of the XML product feed.
typestringoptionallyProduct relating to a specific type. See the available values in the "Baby & Children" section of the XML product feed.
ageobjectoptionallyProduct relating to a specific age. See the available values in the "Baby & Children" section of the XML product feed.

Book Object

authorstringoptionallyAllows specifying the author of a work, book, etc.
publisherstringoptionallyAllows specifying the publisher of a work, book, etc.
seriesstringoptionallyAllows specifying a series of works.
yearnumberoptionallyAllows specifying the year of publishing.
isbnarrayoptionallyAllows listing the ISBNs. The values in the array must be of string type.

Locations Array

The "locations" array specifies the product availability status for various cities/towns as well as any alterations in price in these cities/towns. Your default price is used if the price alterations have not been stated in this object. 

locationstringrequiredLocation ID
pricenumberoptionallyPrice for location
oldpricenumberoptionallyOld price for location

Example of Products Request

    shop_id: "eehj3eu84299kg5ghw5a6743r8",   
    shop_secret: "pmd5362597thrgq8k256ep01t0",   
    items:            [
            id:             "6335",
            name:           "Hoverboard 100500",
            price:          1000,
            currency:       "USD",
            url:            "",
            picture:        "",
            available:      true, 
            categories:     [14, 3],
            barcode:        0123456789,
            price_margin:   10,
            locations: [
                    location: "New York"
                    location: "Los Angeles",
                    price: 1250,
                    oldprice: 1500
            brand:          "Dr. Emmett Brown",
            tags:           ["titanium", "steel", "sport"],
            is_child:       true
            id:             133
            name:           "red jacket",
            price:          200,  
            currency:       "USD",
            url:            "",
            picture:        "",
            available:      true, 
            categories:     [33],
            locations: [
                    "location": "New York" 
            brand:          "McFly",
            tags:           ["winter", "sport"],
            is_fashion:     true,
            fashion: {
                gender: "m",
                sizes: ["M", "L", "XXL"],
                type: "jacket"

Synchronization Request

Allows synchronizing the availability status of products. All products sent in the request will be marked as in stock, the rest as out of stock.


EndpointRequest TypeContent TypeRate LimitMax Data Size requests/minute32 MB/request

OperationRequest TypeDescription
SyncPATCHSync product availability status

In the situation lacking a technical feasibility to send PATCH request, use POST requests and add to the JSON-body a variable method with the corresponding value in the upper case: PATCH.

Request Data Syntax

shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
shop_secretstringrequiredThe store's Secret Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
itemsarrayrequiredArray with product IDs that should be marked as in stock.

    shop_id:        "eehj3eu84299kg5ghw5a6743r8",	
    shop_secret:    "pmd5362597thrgq8k256ep01t0",	
    items:          [635, 3373, 75778]

API Response 

HTTP status code

204 No content

Authentication was successful. The data was accepted and queued for processing in the background.

If the data processing fails, the account owner and employees authorized to receive technical notifications will be sent an email describing the error.

400 Bad requestAuthorization failed.

Deletion Request

Allows marking products in the request as out of stock. The statuses of the other products will remain unchanged.


EndpointRequest TypeContent TypeRate LimitMax Data Size requests/minute32 MB/request

OperationRequest TypeDescription
RemoveDELETERemove selected items from the database (mark the selected items as "out of stock")

In the situation lacking a technical feasibility to send DELETE request, use POST requests and add to the JSON-body a variable method with the corresponding value in the upper case: DELETE.

Request Data Syntax

shop_idstringrequiredUnique Store Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
shop_secretstringrequiredThe store's Secret Key in PersonaClick. Located there: Account > Settings > Store Settings
itemsarrayrequiredArray with product IDs that should be marked as out of stock.

    shop_id:        "eehj3eu84299kg5ghw5a6743r8",	
    shop_secret:    "pmd5362597thrgq8k256ep01t0",	
    items:          [635, 3373, 75778]

API Response 

HTTP status code

204 No content

Authentication was successful. The data was accepted and queued for processing in the background.

If the data processing fails, the account owner and employees authorized to receive technical notifications will be sent an email describing the error.

400 Bad requestAuthorization failed.

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