Subscriptions (Android SDK - Java)

Subscriptions (Android SDK - Java)

Method Objective

The method allows changing the status of the current user's subscriptions to notification channels.

Syntax and parameters

PersonaClick.manageSubscription(email, phone, external_id, loyalty_id, telegram_id, HashMap<String, Boolean>);

Request parameters

emailstringoptionallyThe current user's Email.

The current user's Phone.

external_idstringoptionallyStore side user ID.
loyalty_idstringoptionallyThe Loyalty Program user ID (loyalty card).
telegram_idstringoptionallyThe current user's Telegram ID.
HashMap<String, Boolean>HashMaprequiredSubscription Statuses. See the example below.

Available subscription statuses

email_bulkbooleanoptionallyIt changes the current user's subscription status to bulk email campaigns.
email_chainbooleanoptionallyIt changes the current user's subscription status to triggered email campaigns.

It changes the current user's subscription status for transactional email campaigns.

It's recommended that always use the "true" value, even if you don't use transactional messages.

sms_bulkbooleanoptionallyIt changes the current user's subscription status to bulk SMS campaigns.
sms_chainbooleanoptionallyIt changes the current user's subscription status to triggered SMS campaigns.

It changes the current user's subscription status for transactional SMS campaigns.

It's recommended that always use the "true" value, even if you don't use transactional messages.

web_push_bulkbooleanoptionallyIt changes the current user's subscription status to bulk webpush campaigns.
web_push_chainbooleanoptionallyIt changes the current user's subscription status to triggered webpush campaigns.

It changes the current user's subscription status for transactional webpush campaigns.

It's recommended that always use the "true" value, even if you don't use transactional messages.

mobile_push_bulkbooleanoptionallyIt changes the current user's subscription status to bulk app campaigns.
mobile_push_chainbooleanoptionallyIt changes the current user's subscription status to triggered app campaigns.

It changes the current user's subscription status for transactional app campaigns.

It's recommended that always use the "true" value, even if you don't use transactional messages.

Examples of use

HashMap<String, Boolean> subscriptions = new HashMap<>();
subscriptions.put("email_bulk", true);
subscriptions.put("email_chain", true);
subscriptions.put("email_transactional", true);
subscriptions.put("sms_bulk", true);
subscriptions.put("sms_chain", true);
subscriptions.put("sms_transactional", true);
subscriptions.put("web_push_bulk", true);
subscriptions.put("web_push_chain", true);
subscriptions.put("web_push_transactional", true);
subscriptions.put("mobile_push_bulk", true);
subscriptions.put("mobile_push_chain", true);
subscriptions.put("mobile_push_transactional", true);
PersonaClick.manageSubscription("john.doe@examplestore.com", "+100000000000", "100500", "12345-abcdf", 12345678, subscriptions);

HashMap<String, Boolean> subscriptions = new HashMap<>();
subscriptions.put("email_bulk", true);
subscriptions.put("email_chain", false);
subscriptions.put("email_transactional", true);
PersonaClick.manageSubscription("john.doe@examplestore.com", null, null, null, null, subscriptions);

HashMap<String, Boolean> subscriptions = new HashMap<>();
subscriptions.put("sms_bulk", false);
subscriptions.put("sms_chain", false);
subscriptions.put("sms_transactional", true);
PersonaClick.manageSubscription(null, "+100000000000", null, null, null, subscriptions);

HashMap<String, Boolean> subscriptions = new HashMap<>();
subscriptions.put("email_transactional", true);
subscriptions.put("sms_transactional", true);
PersonaClick.manageSubscription(null, null, null, null, null, subscriptions);

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